Cuyahoga Valley Republicans

Why the Obsession With Rifles?

By Bill Hamm, North Royalton

The Democrats have again been pushing gun control legislation.  Somehow, all the violence with AntiFa last summer didn’t count.  There were lots of guns there, but the Democrats let them back on the streets almost immediately.  Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws on the books, but their gun violence is off the charts.  Somehow, it’s a scary “assault” rifle that’s the problem.  When I was in service, if you performed an assault, you affixed a bayonet (knife) to your rifle and ran screaming at the enemy.  You stabbed, slashed, and used the butt as a club. 

According to the 2019 FBI expanded homicide table 8, there were 364 deaths with rifles.  There were 397 deaths with blunt instruments such as clubs and hammers.  There were 600 deaths from hands, fist, and feet.  There were an astounding 1476 deaths from knives and other cutting instruments.  I think it’s past time to ban hammers, knives, fists, & feet.  Then we would be making some real progress in limiting deaths.  

